Friday, October 15, 2010

Installing SCoPE and M3P plugin (XML I/O plug-in) for M3Explorer on Ubuntu 10.10

You can download everything you need (except systemc 2.20) from download SCoPE 1.1.5 and XML I/O plug-in(Compatible with SCoPE 1.1.5) 1.0.5

You can obtain SystemC 2.2.0 from
Extract everything in your home folder. You should have the following directories:

Installing the required libraries
* GNU C/C++ toolchain: gcc/g++ (v4.x), make
* Bison and flex tools (as riquired by SCoPE)
* zlib-devel library

Installing SystemC

create a file called systemc.patch and add the following code:
diff -Nurd systemc-2.2.0/ systemc-2.2.0-ubuntu9.04/
--- systemc-2.2.0/ 2006-12-15 21:31:28.000000000 +0100
+++ systemc-2.2.0-ubuntu9.04/ 2009-10-17 15:25:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
src \
- examples \
+# examples
diff -Nurd systemc-2.2.0/src/sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.cpp systemc-2.2.0-ubuntu9.04/src/sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.cpp
--- systemc-2.2.0/src/sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.cpp 2006-12-15 21:31:39.000000000 +0100
+++ systemc-2.2.0-ubuntu9.04/src/sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.cpp 2009-10-17 15:26:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
// the source.
#include "sysc/utils/sc_report.h"

Save this file in the systemc-2.2.0 folder
Run this command from a terminal:

cd systemc-2.2.0
patch -p1 < ../systemc.patch

Then compile SystemC:

make install

Installing SCoPE 1.15
Set the environment variables:
gedit ~/.bashrc

add at the end (replace horicul with your username):

export CXX=g++
export SYSTEMC=/home/horicul/systemc-2.2.0
export SCOPE_HOME=/home/horicul/SCoPE-v1.1.5
export PATH=$PATH:/home/horicul/SCoPE-v1.1.5/bin
export SCOPE_XML_PLUGIN=/home/horicul/m3p-v1.0.5
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/horicul/m3p-v1.0.5/build

Open a terminal and go to your SCoPE directory then run:
make all
If it crashes do the following (and then rerun make all):
copy from:
the file:

copy from:
the file:

Even if it does not crash do the steps above

Installing M3P
Navigate to your m3p folder and in src/arp_lib/Makefile add
ARP_HOME = /home/horicul/sim/m3p-v1.0.5/src/arp_lib/
on the first line (repalce accordingly with your path)
Open a terminal and navigate to the m3p folder then run:


Go to Synaptic and install gcc-4.1 and cpp-4.1
Open a terminal:

cd /usr/bin
sudo rm cpp gcc
sudo ln -s gcc-4.1 gcc
sudo ln -s cpp-4.1 cpp

Now you have replaced your gcc.
Open a terminal and navigate to the m3p folder then run:

make examples
make run

If you wish to return to your previous gcc version run:

cd /usr/bin
sudo rm cpp gcc g++
sudo ln -s g++-4.4 g++
sudo ln -s gcc-4.4 gcc
sudo ln -s cpp-4.4 cpp

1 comment:

sihem said...

hi i am a student in computer science and i have a problem with M3EXPLORER cause i wanna integrate an algorithme in a way i can call it from m3explorer so my probleme is how i can modify the parametre of this alogorithme and make it like the parametre of m3exporer

this algorithm is VEGA "vector evaluated genetic algorithm"

so please i hope that you can help me ,thanks